October is National Book Month and we’re celebrating by highlighting the books we love, written by authors we admire.
The invention of the printing press in 1439 may have started the whole allure of books, but National Book Month didn’t exist until October 2003. That’s when the National Book Foundation decided that October would be the perfect month to celebrate reading, writing, and just literature in general!
Most people know about the National Book Awards which date back to 1950, but this year we decided to highlight a list of books we, and you, love. These books are written by and for intended parents and the experts who support them. There’s something on the list for everyone struggling with infertility from trying to conceive to IVF warriors to those grieving a miscarriage, moving onto donor conception, navigating surrogacy and even those sharing their children’s conception story with them. Check it out below:
Fighting Infertility by Samantha Busch, IVF Advocate and Co-founder of The Samantha and Kyle Busch Bundle of Joy Fund @samanthabusch
Hilariously Infertile: One Woman’s Inappropriate Quest to Help Women Laugh Through Infertility by Karen Jeffries from @hilariouslyinfertile
The complete hormone puzzle cookbook: your guide to Decoding Hormones and infertility naturally by Coach Kela Smith, CEO and Program Director of the Hormone Puzzle Society @kela_healthcoach
Hold On Baby!: A Soulful Guide to Riding the Ups and Downs of Infertility and IVF by Lisa White, IVF Mentor and Occupational Therapist @ivf.manifesting.a.miracle
How to Help Friends and Family Through Infertility: How You Can Offer Support, What to Say, and Understanding Infertility by Alex Kornswiet, Mom through IVF and Surrogacy as well as Founder of Our Beautiful Surprise @ourbeautifulsurprise
Naturally Conceived: How To Get Pregnant, Explain Unexplained Infertility and Prevent Miscarriages By Unleashing Your Reproductive Power Even Over 40! by Pantea Kalhor, PTSD and Fertility Coach @panteakalhorcoach
Warrior: Battling Infertility – staying sane while trying to conceive by Tori Day @toridaywarrior
The Trying Game: Get Through Fertility Treatment and Get Pregnant without Losing Your Mind by Amy Klein @thetryinggame_infertilitybook
‘This Is’ fertility book series. A collection of true-life stories from women and men who have experienced infertility, fertility treatment and the TWW, and pregnancy and baby loss by Sheila Lamb @fertilitybooks
However We Can: A No-Shame Journey to Motherhood by Rena Ejiogu @however_we_can
Not Broken: An Approachable Guide to Miscarriage and Recurrent Pregnancy Loss by Dr. Lora Shahine, Board certified OBGYN and REI @drlorashahine
A Womb in the Shape of a Heart: My story of Miscarriage and Motherhood by Joanne Gallant @joannegallantwrites
I Had a Miscarriage: A Memoir, A Movement by Jessica Zucker, Ph.D. @ihadamiscarriage
A Bump in the Road – A Story of Fertility, Hope and Trying Again by Elle Wright @feathering_the_empty_nest
The Happy Together Book Collection by Julie Marie @happytogetherchildrensbook
I Dreamed of You The story of an egg donor baby by Lori Metz, LCSW @lorimetzlcsw
Auston the Magical Egg A child’s introduction to how he was conceived by Stephanie Macri
Catalogue Baby A Memoir of (In)fertility by Myriam Steinberg @catalogue_baby
Surrogacy Helps Make a Family Grow A heartfelt story of a family who decides to help a couple start a family of their own through gestational surrogacy by Sharon LaMothe & Tina Rella
I’m Very Ferris: A Child’s Story about In Vitro Fertilization by Tess Kosow @tesskosow
If These Ovaries Could Talk The Things We’ve Learned About Making an LGBTQ Family by Jaimie Kelton and Robin Hopkins @ovariestalk
My Lifebook by Lisa Schuman, LCSW @thecenterforfamilybuilding
The IVF Planner: A Personal Journal to Organize Your Journey through In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) with Love and Positivity by Monica Bivas, Fertility Coach @monicabivas
Her Oven Our Bun: A Pregnancy Journal for Intended Parents Using a Gestational Surrogate by Jaclyn Misch @jaclynmisch
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